Notice of Race
Swedish J/24 Class Association and Trelleborgs Båtsällskap invites to
J/24 Svenskt Mästerskap
J/24 Swedish Championship
Date: 2023, July 7-9
Event: J/24 Swedish Championship 2023
Place: Gislövs Läge , Trelleborg
Level of the competition: Red
Class: J/24
Organizer: Trelleborgs Båtsällskap (TBS)
- Rules
1.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing
(RRS) and with appendix S, Standard Sailing Instructions.
1.2 Swedish competitors shall when racing follow the licensing rules for advertising as
decided by the Swedish Sailing Federation.
1.4 Competitors shall when afloat wear personal flotation devices. This rule does not apply
to short-term replacement or adjustment of clothing or personal equipment, or when
competitors are in the harbor or under deck. Wet suits and dry suits are not personal
flotation devices. This changes RRS 40. A boat that breaks this rule may be warned or
penalized at the discretion of the protest committee (DP).
1.5 The competitor that is in charge on board shall follow Swedish Sailing Federations
racing license regulation for competitors. This regulation applies from the year the
competitor reach the age of 12. Competitors from other countries than Sweden are
exempt from this regulation.
1.6 The class rules for J/24 will apply.
- Eligibility requirements
2.1 The competitor that is in charge on board the boat shall be a member of his/her Member
National Authority or one of its affiliated organisations.
2.2 Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third party liability insurance.
2.3 Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See RRS 4, Decision to
Race. The organising authority will not accept any liability for material damage or
personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the
2.4 All Swedish crew members must be members of the Swedish J/24 Class
2.5 A competitor must be at least twelve years old the year the competition is
- Entries
3.1 Entry shall be made not later than July 1, 2023
Swedish teams on
International teams to
3.2 Required entry information
Boatname: Crew 1: Birthday:
Sail No: Crew 2: Birthday:
Club: Crew 3: Birthday:
Helmsman: Crew 4: Birthday:
Home address: Crew 5: Birthday:
Postal address:
3.3 The entry fee is 2 900 SEK.
Swedish payment
3.4 From outside Sweden:
Trelleborgs Båtsällskap
Bank details: Swedbank
IBAN no. SE89 8000 0821 4994 3890 7793
Note; mark the payment with Sailnumber
Entry is not valid until payment is made.
Reduced fee to a total of 2000 SEK per boat for young Swedish crews where all are
under 25 years of age.
The fee includes: regatta, launching and hauling boats, mooring, parking trailers,
parking of RV´s, After Sail BBQ on Friday, regatta party Saturday, prizes, sanction fee
SSF (100 SEK).
3.5 Late entry will be accepted according to following conditions: An extra fee of 500 SEK
will be charged for late entry or payment received after 2nd of Jul 2023.
- Registration and measurement checks
4.1 Registrations of all crew members shall be made at the race office not later than 15.00
on 7
th of July 2023
4.2 Measurement certificates shall be presented at the registration.
4.3 Competitor that is in charge onboard, according to §1.5 shall be able to present a valid
Swedish license for competitor.
4.4 A boat or equipment may be inspected at any time for compliance with the class rules
and sailing instructions. On the water, the race- or/and the technical committee can
instruct a boat to proceed immediately to a prescribed location forinspection.
4.5 Substitution of damaged or lost equipment will not be allowed unless approved by the
race committee. Requests for substitution shall be made to the Race committee at the
first reasonable opportunity.
4.6 A competitor may not be substituted without the written permission of the race
4.7 Check of crew weight will be made.
- Sailing Instructions
5.1 The sailing instructions will consist of the instructions in RRS Appendix S, Standard
Sailing Instructions that will be on the official notice board located at the clubhouse and
- Time schedule
6.1 Friday July 7
12:00 – 15:00 Registration, measurement and crew weight check.
12.00 – 15.00 Launching. There will be no launching after 15.00 on Friday.
16:00 Skippers meeting at the Clubhouse
17:00 Warning signal for the first race of the day. 2 racesscheduled.
Friday Evening: Get together and Welcome Grill, bring your own drinks.
Saturday July 8
10:00 Warning signal for the first race of the day. 4 races scheduled.
Saturday Evening 19:00: Dinner and Party at the club house, bring your own drinks.
Sunday July 9
11:00 Warning signal for the first race of the day. 2 races scheduled.
No warning signal later than 13:30.
Prize giving as soon as possible after races finishes. There will be time to lift
the boats before price giving.
- Implementation
7.1 8 races are scheduled
- Scoring
8.1 The low point scoring system of RRS Appendix A will apply, modified so that when
three or fewer races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her
race scores and in the case of more than three completed races, the worst score will be
8.2 3 races are required to be completed to constitute a championship.
- Prizes
9.1 There will be prizes to top 3 boats.
Perpetual trophy for best Swedish youth boat, all under 25 years.
Perpetual trophy for Swedish Champion.
Perpetual Trophy for most 1:st places or lowest point.
9.2 Swedish Sailing Federation’s prices are awarded according to “SSF:s
Tävlingsreglemente 2022”, chapter 8 Championship for Swedish crews.
9.3 The winner of the Swedish championship is invited to the Swedish competition
“Seglingens Mästare” according to the rules for this event.
Entry to “Seglingens Mästare” must be made latest 14 days after the completion of this
Date: 2023-05-10
Name: Anders Mohlin /TBS
Attachment to notice of race.
Practical information
Dinner, bring your own drinks. Included is food, coffee/tea and biscuit, music
Additional dinner tickets costs 300 SEK, should be booked at the same time as the entry.
Grill of hot dogs will be arranged Friday after the races. Bring your own drinks.
Launching and lifting of boats are included in the entry fee during Friday 7
th between 12.00-
15.00 and for 2 hours directly after the final race on Sunday 9
th. Any launches or lifts outside these times will be paid for separately directly to the crane operator.